Strict Reserves
Natural and Cultural Strict Reserves of Lithuania
Strict reserves are the most strictly controlled protected areas that are established to facilitate the protection and research of Lithuania‘s landscapes that are of scientific environmental or cultural value. All economic activity in strict reserves is forbidden. Within Lithuania, there are three state strict nature reserves (Čepkeliai, Kamanos and Viešvilė) and two state strict cultural reserves (Kernavė and Vilnius Castles), 36 nature and three cultural strict reserves within complex protected areas and one small strict reserve (Dubrava).
ČEPKELIAI State Strict Nature Reserve:
The Čepkeliai State Strict Reserve was established in order to protect the Čepkeliai mire – the country‘s largest raised bog formed in the watershed of the Katra, Ūla and Grūda Rivers with relict eutrophic lakes and islands, remains of continental dunes and forests surrounding the mire at the edge of a sandy plain (Dainava), as well as the rare flora and fauna.
The Čepkeliai mire has been included in the list of sites protected under the Ramsar Convention. It also has Natura 2000 territory status as a site important for bird protection.
Landscape and biological diversity
- 2330 Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands; 7110 Active raised bogs; 7140 Transition mires and quaking bogs; 7210 Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae; 9010 Western Taïga; 91D0 Bog woodland; and 91TO Central European lichen Scots pine forests.
- 624 vascular plant, 120 moss and 145 algae
- 874 insect, 353 species from the Hymenoptera
- 10 amphibian and 6 reptile species
- 126 bird species
KAMANOS State Strict Nature Reserve
The purpose behind establishing the Kamanos Strict Reserve was to preserve the Kamamos wetland – the largest wetland complex in northern Lithuania with interior areas of dry land (islands and peninsulas), bog pools encircled by sloughs, as well as the nearby Didmiškis forest with its typical and rare plant and animal species. The Kamanos mire has formed in the watershed of the Venta River midsection and the Dabikinė and Vadakstis, the river‘s right tributaries, an area of low inclination.
Landscape and biological diversity
- Sphagno tenelli-Rhynchosporetum albae where the dominant herbs are Rhynchospora alba and Drosera anglina. The rare Spoonleaf Sundew (Drosera intermedia) is found in the raised bog, the rapidly disappearing Bog Orchid (Hammarbya paludosa) can still be found in transition mires, while the small wet meadows contain Military Orchid (Orchis militaris) and other species
- 3160 Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds; 7110 Active raised bogs; 7140 Transition mires and quaking bogs; and 9080 Fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods.
- 233 fungi, 964 plant and 2,448 animal species
VIEŠVILĖ State Strict Nature Reserve
The Viešvilė State Strict Nature Reserve was established to protect the especially valuable natural Veišvilė River basin ecosystem with the Artoji and Glitis mires and the surrounding Karšuva Forest.
Landscape and biological diversity
- 3260 Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation; 7110 Active raised bogs; 7140 transition mires and quaking bogs; 9010 Western Taïga; 9080 Fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods; 91D0 Bog woodland; and 91E0 Alluvial forests.
- 859 fungi, 966 plant and 3,077 animal species
- endangered plants mostly found in open and semi-open tansition mires, the Marsh Saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus), Fen Orchid (Liparis loeselii), and Green Coralroot (Corallorhiza trifida)
KERNAVĖ Cultural Reserve Museum
he Kernavė Cultural Reserve was established to protect Kernavė, Lithuania‘s former capital, ie. its territorial complex of cultural heritage objects (values), the values themselves, and to organise on-going scientific research, as well as ensure their proper management, exposition and propogation.
VILNIUS CASTLES State Cultural Reserve Museum
The Vilnius Castles State Cultural Reserve has been established to protect Lithuania‘s historical state and spiritual cultural centre – the castles of Vilnius, the castle territories and the cultural and natural values contained within, as well as organise on-going academic research at these sites, while ensuring their proper management and use. The Vilnius Castles State Cultural Reserve is the heart of the Vilnius Old Town, and the smallest state strict reserve in Lithuania.
Strict reserves located in complex protected areas:
Line No. | State park, biosphere reserve | Strict nature reserves (quantity, title, area) | Strict cultural reserves (quantity, title, area) |
| |||
NATIONAL PARKS | 9 (5,718 ha) | 2 (42 ha) | |
1. | Aukštaitija | Ažvinčiai Old Forest (691 ha) and Balčiai (138 ha) | - |
2. | Dzūkija | Skroblus (1 ,02 ha), Musteika (226 ha) and Povilnis (185 ha) | - |
3. | Curonian Spit | Grobštas (188 ha) and Nagliai (1,640 ha) | - |
4. | Trakai Historical | - | Trakai Island and Peninsula Castles (26 ha), Old Trakai Castle site (16 ha) |
5. | Žemaitija | Plokštinė (809 ha) and Rukundžiai (239 ha) | - |
| |||
REGIONAL PARKS | 24 (7,510 ha) | 1 (9 ha) | |
6. | Anykščiai | Budragaidys (67 ha) | - |
7. | Asveja | Šakymas (142 ha) | - |
8. | Aukštadvaris | Mergiškės (156 ha) | - |
9. | Biržai | - | 1, Biržai Castle (9 ha) |
10. | Labanoras | Girutiškys (1402 ha) and Kiauneliškiai (283 ha) | - |
11. | Meteliai | Obelytė (65 ha) and Trakas (49 ha) | - |
12. | Nemunas Delta | Medžioklė swamp (272 ha) and Nemunas fore-delta (2,475 ha) | - |
13. | Nemunas Loops | Punia Pine forest (461 ha) | - |
14. | Neris | Dūkštai (36 ha) | - |
15. | Pajūris | Plazė (233 ha) | - |
16. | Panemuniai | Velniaraviai (70 ha) | - |
17. | Pavilniai | Kalnai (77 ha) | - |
18. | Salantai | Minija (91 ha) | - |
19. | Sartai | Vosyna (81 ha) | - |
20. | Varniai | Stervas (777 ha) | - |
21. | Veisiejai | Liūnelis (30 ha), Liūbeliai (52 ha) and Skaistis (19 ha) | - |
22. | Venta | Purviai (115 ha) | - |
23. | Vištytis | Drausgiris (202 ha) and Grybingiris (355 ha) | - |
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BIOSPHERE RESERVES | (6,122 ha) | - | |
24. | Žuvintas | Žuvintas (5 983 ha), Liūliškynė (41 ha) and Buktbalė (98 ha) | - |
| |||
| 36 (19,350 ha) | 3 (51 ha) |
Last updated: 02-01-2025