All protected areas are connected by the Nature Frame, which is an important instrument of landscape/nature conservation policy in Lithuania (1983). This concept is based on a catchment area and biostructure following an exceptionally universal approach. The Nature Frame combines all areas which are protected from the landscape point of view as well as other  areas of ecological value. This guarantees general stability of landscape in a joint landscape system of geo-ecological compensation zones. The Nature Frame is aimed to:

  • develop a complete system for natural ecological compensation
  • ensure connections between natural protected areas
  • to conserve natural landscape, biodiversity and natural recreational sites

This is achieved by providing guidelines and conditions for the structure of agrarian landscapes form the geo-ecological point of view, regulating the development of agrarian activities, and urbanisation of the areas.

The Nature Frame is similar to the Ecological Network ECONET, but not the same. The main features are specified in the table below:

 Nature Frame

 Ecological Network ( Econet)

 Universal (geo-ecological approach)

 Specialised (ecological) approach

 Overall goal- ecological compensation

 Overall goal- biodiversity protection

 Concept based on:

 Catchment area and biostructure

 Analyses of migration processes in natural landscape

 Evaluation of gravigenous structure of natural complexes

 Conservation and enrichment of bio- and geo- ecological stabilisers in geosystems

 Concept based on:


 Analyses of biodiversity

 Evaluation of the most important ecosystems

 Minimum areas required to sustain them

 Conservation of biodiversity

 Consists of:

 Geo-ecological watersheds

 Geoecosytems stabilisation centres

 Migration corridors

 Consists of:

 Core areas

 Nature development areas

 Ecological corridors

 All natural and semi- natural areas are included

 Areas of national and international significance included

 Covers 60% of Lithuania

 Covers 17% of the Netherlands

Nature Frame consists of:

  • geo-ecological watersheds- belts of areas which seperate large geoecosystems and perform the function of ecological compensation between the systems;
  • geoecosystems‘ stabilsation centres – areas which perform the function of ecological compensationin geoecosystems;
  • migration corridors- valleys and hollow valleys through which intensive geodynamic and bioinformation circulation takes place

Last updated: 06-12-2023