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If the listed buildings belong to the homestead, then in addition to the construction project, it is possible to build simple buildings of group I (i.e., if the buildings do not exceed 50 m2 in total area), except for their construction on the Curonian Spit. However, it should be noted that the shapes, sizes, building materials, etc. of homestead buildings. are regulated by state park protection regulations. Thus, even when building a building without a project, it is mandatory to comply with legal requirements for their construction. In addition, the construction of the sauna is regulated by Article 20 of the Law on Protected Areas. 6, which stipulates that on homesteads and other land plots (recreational use) outside the coastal protection zone in the protection zones of surface water bodies, only one with a total area not exceeding 25 m2 and not exceeding 4.5 meters may be built. (height is calculated from the average altitude of the land surface of the building area to the ridge of the roof of the building) sauna for personal use without a basement.
The procedure for felling, transplanting or other removal of protected trees and shrubs, performance of these works, issuance of permits for these works, compensation of the value of trees and shrubs shall be established by the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania on 31 January 2008. by order no. DI-87 approved the description of the procedure for felling, transplanting or other removal of protected trees and shrubs, the performance of these works and the issuance of permits for these works, the procedure for compensation for the value of trees and shrubs. This description applies to natural and legal persons wishing to cut down, transplant or otherwise remove trees and shrubs to be protected. It is used by municipalities to issue permits for these works and to establish the procedure for reimbursing the value of trees and shrubs to be protected.
Trees and shrubs to be protected may be cut, transplanted or pruned only with the permission of the Environmental Protection Division of the municipal administration. Permits for cutting trees. for pruning or transplanting may be issued only to the land manager, owner or lessor who is entrusted with the maintenance of the plantations. The value of trees and shrubs to be cut for protection shall be calculated by the Environmental Protection Division before the permit is issued. The value of trees and shrubs is determined by the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania approved in 2008. June 26 order no. DI-343 "Greenery restoration value rates".
Authorizations for the felling of trees shall be issued to trees whose trunks have rotted, broken, dangerously inclined at an angle of more than 60 degrees or are drying, diseased, attacked by pests or having lost their aesthetic value.
Visits to nature reserves and other areas of special natural value are prohibited from 1 April. until August 1, because at that time many vital processes take place in nature - the migration of birds, the breeding of juveniles, etc., so any disturbance can have a particularly negative impact on the natural environment.
Exceptional cases of permitted agricultural or forestry work, nature reserve management work, research work, state control of environmental protection, control of protected areas, visits and / or operation of structures in these areas, as well as cases of natural disasters ( storms, fires, pests and disease outbreaks).
When traveling to protected areas in the spring, always check with your protected area directorate or the State Service for Protected Areas.
Information on protected plant, animal and fungal species, their habitats and sites is provided in the Protected Species Information System, the access address of which is https://sris.am.lt/portal/.
The user can request access, then the right to see the exact coordinates of sites and sites, provide data on new sites or sites of protected plant, animal and fungal species, and in individual cases the user can check the accuracy of information provided by other users. The data can be presented on an interactive map or an extract of a specific protected species can be downloaded.
Self-propelled and non-self-propelled craft shall be prohibited to navigate in water bodies located in nature reserves and ornithological reserves, except for water bodies in ornithological reserves for which fishing area permits have been issued. In this case, non-self-propelled craft shall be permitted to fish for fish breeding and recreational fishing from 1 August. until April 1.
It is prohibited to navigate in self-propelled craft: - in water bodies smaller than 10 ha;
- closer than 100 m from the shores of water bodies, the shores of islands in water bodies, bathing areas, diving areas marked with buoys;
- in rivers;
- in water bodies located in telmological, botanical, zoological and botanical-zoological reserves;
- in water bodies located in state parks, except:
(a) with a total engine power not exceeding 10 hp (8Kw), sailing from 21 June. until the end of the navigation season;
(b) where the total engine power does not exceed 150 hp (110 Kw), the public navigation service may be operated throughout the navigation season only on the cognitive water tourism routes specified in the spatial planning documents. Other restrictions on navigation in water bodies are established in the list of water bodies in which navigation by certain craft is prohibited or restricted, approved by the Minister of Environment in 2014. April 8 by order no. D1-337 "On the approval of the list of water bodies in which navigation is prohibited or restricted by certain craft".
Since 2015 Introduced on 15 May in 4 national and 28 regional parks, a voluntary state park visitor ticket for ecologically minded people who care about nature and landscape values can contribute to the protection of protected areas. The protected area visitor's ticket is voluntary.
However, we are always grateful to visitors who, by purchasing a visitor’s ticket, express their acceptance and desire to ensure the protection, management, installation, maintenance and renewal of infrastructure for visitors in protected areas.
More information about the protected areas visitor's ticket - http://www.vstt.lt/VI/index.php#a/2630
In state parks, farmer homesteads are allowed to be established in areas where the construction plans of state parks provide for the construction of new homesteads, except in conservative functional priority areas and residential areas where other main land use is established for land plots and farmsteads are established on agricultural land plots. (Article 25 of the Law).
Information on protected areas is provided in the Register of Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania, the access address of which is https://stk.am.lt/portal/.
Any owner of the plot can get information from the state cadastre of protected areas or the plot falls into protected areas. Site owners (upon request) may be informed of changes in the data of specific protected areas. Landowners with relevant rights can obtain spatial data from the state cadastre of protected areas. Any citizen can receive publicly available data from the state cadastre of protected areas and statistical information.
The following data and information are processed and stored in the State Cadastre of Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania:
General data of cadastral objects (reserves, reserves, heritage objects, restoration and genetic plots, parks, etc.). E.g. name, founder, dates of establishment and registration, purpose of establishment, location of the object, etc.
Specific data of the spatial data set Protected Areas. For example, characteristics of a natural heritage object (height, length, width of geological objects, etc., orographic position of hydrogeological objects, rocks, chemical properties, etc.), condition of resources of restoration and genetic plots, etc. More detailed information on the data and information processed and accumulated in the cadastre is provided in Chapter III of the State Cadastre Regulations of Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania.
For additional information, you can always contact the State Service for Protected Areas or the relevant protected area directorate about possible activities in protected areas.
Activities in protected areas are regulated by the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts.
Article 13 of the Law on Protected Areas stipulates that non-homestead agricultural land may be used for the construction of engineering structures - roofs for the sheltering of free-range herbivorous livestock registered in the Livestock Register from precipitation and wind when meadows and pastures are owned or otherwise legally owned. the land is not less than 20 hectares (not more than 1 canopy in the specified area). Roofs are installed without rooms with or without 3 external walls, permissible height - up to 6 meters, built-up area - up to 150 square meters.
These shelters may not be built in natural meadows, in the habitats of protected plant and insect species, closer than 100 meters from the shore of a surface water body, nor may feed be stored and supplementary feeding of herbivorous animals may be organized in the specified places. If herbivores are no longer kept in the area of meadows and pastures with a shelter, they must be removed no later than 6 months after the herbivores have been removed. The requirements for the selection of the roof construction site, its shape, the materials from which it is constructed and the procedure for coordination shall be established in the regulations of the state park.
2004 April 15 By the order of the Minister of Environment no. D1-187 approved “List of Environmental Conditions for Navigation in Water Bodies and List of Water Bodies in which navigation is prohibited or restricted by certain craft”, in which the established environmental conditions apply to craft owners and users using and maintaining craft in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. and private water bodies.
It is possible to set up a tent in protected areas only in the places that are officially specified in the management documents of protected areas. They provide information on existing and forthcoming campsites, so it is advisable to call the management of the park in which they are located first.
Fireplaces in protected areas may be fired only in specially equipped and marked places (campsites, rest areas, campsites), as provided for in the relevant territorial planning documents.
It is also necessary to be aware that the incineration of looted, collected grasses, reeds, tree leaves, straw, agricultural and horticultural waste is prohibited in forests, wetlands, peatlands, places closer than 100 meters to the forest, as well as in cities and towns.
All relevant information is available to visitors on the websites of the protected areas directorates, the addresses of which can be found at http://www.vstt.lt/VI/index.php#r/46. Also on the website - https://pamatyklietuvoje.lt/parkai. Almost all state parks and state reserves have visitor centers where it is best to start exploring protected areas and plan your trip. The visitor centers provide information on the natural and cultural heritage values of protected areas, places of interest, and the possibility of cognitive tourism and recreation. The centers organize natural and cultural events, seminars, and permanent interactive expositions. 2015 In Vilnius, Antakalnio str. 25 The National Visitor Center for Protected Areas was opened. It is a gateway to protected areas, after which it is possible to get acquainted not only with the protected areas of Lithuania, but also with the protected areas of the world.
Protected areas are suitable for visiting - an outdoor information system (arrows, information stands, etc.), cognitive infrastructure, observation towers are installed. Specialists of the protected areas directorates try to ensure that the outdoor information system is constantly maintained, tidy and allows visitors to get to know the protected areas, but there are cases when visitors themselves damage the infrastructure, which is expensive to restore and poses a risk to other visitors.
"Motor vehicle" means a power-driven vehicle, i.e. y. ATVs, motorcycles, mopeds. Drivers of these vehicles can only drive on the roads. It is forbidden to drive on pedestrian, bicycle paths, embankment or excavation slopes, ditches, to enter or leave the road in non-specially equipped places, except for special vehicles, agricultural and forestry machinery.
The construction of footbridges in state parks is regulated by state park protection regulations. in water bodies near the existing homesteads it is allowed to install one wooden pier up to 15 m long from the shore of the water body, not exceeding 30 m2. If the strip of above-ground vegetation is wider than 15 m, it is permitted to build longer piers, but not more than 2 m beyond the strip of above-ground vegetation, up to a width of 2 m. In urbanized (built-up) recreational and residential areas, the dimensions of the bridge may be larger, they are determined in the solutions of the building design.
If the bridge is a simple group II building, then a simplified design of the building must be prepared, which should be approved by the director of the protected area and the architect of the district municipality.
Activities in forests, their restoration, protection and use are regulated by the Law on Forests of the Republic of Lithuania. This law specifies the possible groups of forests, the purposes and regime of farming in them. Forests are divided into groups according to farming objectives, farming regime and main functional purpose:
Group I - reserve forests. Deforestation is prohibited in these forests, except for the cases provided for in the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania and the regulations of reserves.
Group II - special purpose forests. This group includes:
A - ecosystem protection forests, where clear main felling is prohibited, and occasional main felling is prohibited in stands that have not reached natural maturity;
B - recreational forests, where clear main felling is prohibited, and occasional main felling is prohibited in stands that have not reached natural maturity. Felling is prohibited during the rest season, except for stands damaged by natural or biotic factors.
Group III - protective forests. In these forests, clear-cutting is not prohibited, but when crossing clear-cut, the area of the exchange may not exceed 5 hectares. However, clear-cutting of major forests is prohibited in national parks, with the exception of wetlands and wetlands.
Group IV - commercial forests. These are forests not included in forest groups I, II, III. This group of forests includes:
1) A - commercial forests of normal felling age. The exchange area of clear main fellings, except clear sanitary fellings, may not exceed 8 hectares. Deep main felling in national parks is prohibited, except for stands of wetlands and wetlands;
2) B - short felling age plantation forests. These are forests where fast-growing technologies are used to grow stands of fast-growing tree species that must be felled for at least 15 years. Plantation forests are prohibited in logging areas of non-plantation forests or in the places of plantations, greenery and stands that have died in these forests, forest squares and forest fields.
Visits to forests and the use of forest resources in protected areas are regulated by the Law on Protected Areas and the regulations on protected areas approved by the Government or the Ministry of Environment authorized by it.
A land owner who wishes to afforest a non-forest land plot must submit to the territorial division of the National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter - the Land Management Division) according to the location of the land:
1. An application for a permit stating:
1.1. the date and place of the census of the application;
1.2. the name of the territorial unit to which the application is submitted;
1.3. area of the land plot to be afforested, ha;
1.4. the cadastral number of the land plot where afforestation is desired;
1.5. name or surname of a natural person or authorized person or name of a legal person or other foreign organization, code of a natural person or code of a legal person or other foreign organization, address of permanent residence, telephone number, e-mail postal address or registered office address, telephone and fax numbers of the legal person or other foreign organization.
2. A copy of the plot plan M1: 10 000 with the marked boundaries according to which he wishes to afforest.
3. A document confirming the representation (if the application is signed by the owner's representative).
4. A copy of the registration certificate of a foreign legal person or other foreign organization or a corresponding document (if the Application is submitted by a foreign legal person or other foreign organization that has not established a representative office or branch in Lithuania).
More information on the services provided by the National Land Service and the permits issued for afforestation can be found here.
If the land plot where afforestation is planned falls into a state park, state reserve or Natura 2000 territory, the Land Management Division, upon the owner's request for afforestation, shall additionally apply to the Directorate of Protected Areas for a conclusion as to whether afforestation is possible in a protected area or Natura 2000 site. 2000 ”. When applying for the conclusions of the Directorate of Protected Areas, you should trust the following documents:
1. The application. If the documents are submitted to the Directorate of the Protected Area by the Land Management Division - a copy of the application of the land owner;
2. A copy of the document certifying the right of ownership or management of the land;
3. A copy of the plan of the plot where afforestation is planned;
4. A power of attorney (if the application is submitted by an authorized person) or the consent (power of attorney) of the co-owners, certified by a notary (if the land plot on which the forest is planned to be managed is managed by common partial or joint ownership);
5. The death certificate of the land owner, the certificate of the right of inheritance (if it is issued to the heir at the time of submission of the application), when the application is submitted by the heir of the land plot of the deceased natural person.
Tvorų statybą valstybiniuose parkuose reglamentuoja valstybinių parkų apsaugos reglamentai. Sodybas leidžiama aptverti ne aukštesnėmis kaip 1,5 m aukščio perregimomis ažūrinėmis tvoromis (medinių virbų, tašelių, karčių, vytelių, išskyrus horizontalias lentas) be cokolių. Tokia tvora tikėtina bus I grupės nesudėtingas statinys. Tokiems statiniams projekto ar statybos leidimo nereikia, išskyrus atvejus, kai tvora tveriama Kuršių nerijoje arba kultūros paveldo objekto teritorijoje, kultūros paveldo objekto apsaugos zonoje, kultūros paveldo vietovėje.
Article 9 of the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania states that it is prohibited to install new water bodies not related to the purpose of the reserve in flooded areas, and to install one or more new artificial water bodies in one flooded area not related to with a total area of more than 0.1 hectare.
Requirements for the installation of an artificial impermeable surface water body are presented in 2012. July 12 By the Order of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania No. D1-590 / 3D-583 "On the approval of the description of environmental requirements for the installation and maintenance of artificial impermeable surface water bodies".
When planning to install an artificial water body in a state park, biosphere reserve or in the buffer protection zone of a state reserve, including Natura 2000 territories located in these territories, the location of the artificial water body must be coordinated with the state park, biosphere reserve, state reserve directorate. When an artificial water body is planned to be installed in a state reserve, biosphere reserve and in a Natura 2000 territory where there is no protected area directorate, the location of the artificial water body is coordinated with the Environmental Protection Agency. .
It is prohibited to construct, store and use caravans and other movable objects or equipment (mobile homes, containers, end-of-life vehicles, metal garages) in the State Park for accommodation, accommodation, catering and other similar purposes, unless such objects are stored and used:
a) to the structures under construction and / or reconstruction during their construction, having a construction permit issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Construction and when these objects are provided for in the design of the structure;
(b) research carried out by research and study institutions;
c) with a permit issued by the municipal executive body - for the organization of public events;
(d) as mobile bees for registered apiaries;
(e) commercial fishing in designated areas and in a timely manner;
(f) continuously, but for no longer than 30 working days, on a contract basis from 1 October. until March 15. carrying out major deforestation and having a deforestation permit;
However, it should be noted that the legal acts do not prohibit the transformation of movable objects into existing homesteads into buildings (homestead affiliates). If the area of land built with the buildings of the homestead (household) does not exceed the maximum building area permitted by legal acts, the wagon may be transformed into a subdivision of the homestead (simple structure).
Roof replacement is assigned to the "simple repair" type of construction. When replacing a sloping roof covering with another type of covering, replacing the structures supporting the covering with structures of the same type, according to the current legislation, it is no longer considered as a reconstruction of the building, but as a simple repair. When carrying out such works in the protected area, a simplified building project agreed with the responsible employee of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the district municipality is sufficient. However, in such a simplified project it is no longer necessary to submit a plot plan with marked existing and projected buildings, their explication, etc.
Construction possibilities in protected areas are enshrined in the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania. Construction is prohibited only in state reserves.
Construction opportunities in nature reserves and state parks are enshrined in Article 9 (3) and Article 13 (3). It is established here that: the construction of new structures related to the purposes of establishing a reserve / state park, other structures necessary for the performance of activities for which exceptions are provided for in the provisions of these Articles is permitted; it is permitted to construct new and reconstruct existing homestead buildings and engineering structures in homesteads and on the site of the former homestead; to build new structures in the state park planning scheme (boundary and management plans) and (or) in the places provided for in the general plan of the municipality or a part thereof; the construction of new structures is permitted in order to ensure the protection of the state border.
In the buffer protection zones of state parks, state reserves and reserves and biosphere reserves, it is prohibited to construct only structures if they worsen the conditions of exhibition of heritage objects and increase the visual pollution of the territory (Art. 19).