

For the third year the „Naturalit“ Nature Project team, the State Service of Protected Areas and national and regional parks have been inviting Lithuanian enterprises to volunteer in protected areas.

An interactive map has been developed for the convenience of enterprises showing the  need  and nature of volunteering activities in Lithuanian national and regional parks. The   list includes about 100 volunteering offers in state parks.

Management volunteering is necessary at various times of the year, from spring to late autumn or even winter so every team will find meaningful activity at the right time for it.

This includes collection of rubbish, mowing, painting of information stands, piling of pines, destruction of invasive plants, collection of branches, nature management works, etc.

Joint activities strengthen team relationships and leave great memories. In most cases, there is a long-term friendship between the company's employees and the protected area.
Volunteering in protected areas has already been joined by such companies as „Swedbank“, „Danske Bank“, „Ignitis grupė“, „Lietuvos draudimas“.

Protected areas in Lithuania occupy 18.25%. the area of the country. Many of these areas are also included in the European network of Natura 2000 protected areas due to their specific     natural values.

We invite you to volunteer in protected areas!